# jsopn

## sleep deprived developer

rusk animated gif

# hobbies

  • - virtual reality
  • - linux system administration
  • - basic networking stuff
  • - self-hosting and data hoarding

# skills

  • - {type,java}script [nodejs, svelte, react]
  • - golang [fasthttp, gin, gorm, fx]
  • - postgresql / mongodb / redis
  • - rabbitmq

# boring info

# music

## list of music that i was recently listening to; fetched from my last.fm profile



fetching scrobble history

# anonymous message

## you can write an anonymous message here, and i'll get it instantly through my telegram bot

# just some data

## dropped my bash terminal here, sorry >_<

[root@site-container:~]$ cat /var/lib/jsopn-site/anonymous_messages.txt | wc -l

[#] executing command...

[root@site-container:~]$ curl https://jsopn.com/api/v0/statistics/ | jq .scrobbleCount

[#] executing command...

[root@site-container:~]$ cat /var/log/caddy/access-*.log | grep \"uri\":\"/\" | wc -l

[#] executing command...

[root@site-container:~]$ exit

[process exited with code 0]

proudly served on NixOS using Caddy

in Helsinki, Finland